Friday, September 05, 2008

Now that's a growth spurt

(Art by Juan Carlos Bravo)

I know that I said I was the most interested in the 75 years ago column of "Days Gone By" in my hometown newspaper, but that 100 years ago column sure has been trumping it lately.

July 25, 1908
There is in New York an Italian family named Guitilla, who have an infant daughter 25 months old who weighs 110 pounds and adding to this weight at the rate of nearly a pound a week. She is the youngest of seven children who with the parents are normal size. She is healthy and strong in proportion to her size.
(The Wilmot Enterprise)

Children's author, Roald Dahl, comes to mind, doesn't he? Oh, what he could have done with this.


Survival said...

oh yeah, that would be so cool to see what Roald Dahl would have done...

Erin said...

Oh my gosh that's AWFUL!


We should make a list of "children's books Roald Dahl should've written"....