Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Weird things are happening

I don't want to scare you all. No new weird things are happening around here. But I'm reminded of the babysitter's lines in the movie, "The Incredibles," as I consider a few things about our lives. It's weird that we have less energy than my 92 year old grandfather who has recovered from pneumonia after nearly dying this Thanksgiving. It's weird that we're taking supplements to help us that are made by a company called "Young Again Nutrients." It's weird having a disease that doctor's are unsure of how to fix, but anyone with cancer knows what that feels like. Weird things are happening, but the weird things in Jack Jack's life were used for good for him and his family. And we know, because of God's promises, that the weird things happening with us are being used for good in our lives too. Yes, we have special needs...but doesn't everybody?

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