Saturday, January 10, 2009

Photo of the Week (2)

I've wanted to photograph this fraternity house (Kappa Sigma) for years, but it's on old Greek row at the University of Idaho, the little road that's directly in front of the house is one way -the wrong way off the road from which I pass. I'd never taken the time to find close parking, so hadn't seen the front of the building until this week.

I needed to go out one icy night (right before our January thaw arrived). The streets were empty, I mentioned, it was very icy. I'd gotten to the store, realized I'd left my wallet at home, slowly made my way home, and set out again on a different route to the store. My camera rode shotgun next to me as a reminder to look out for my next "Photo of the Week."

As I approached the spotlighted columns and snow-frosted tall evergreens that stood regal in the dark night, I could not resist my long-felt temptation to turn the wrong way on the small one-way street - no traffic, the road looked to be snowplowed..and...hey, I'm not the first to break the law to get a photo.

The Kappa Sigma Fraternity is the oldest fraternity in the state of Idaho - established in 1905. Kirkland Cutter, a well-known architect in the Northwest who also designed Spokane's Davenport Hotel and Monroe Street Bridge, designed this house built in 1916. The exterior is of classical Georgian architecture to represent the southern heritage of Kappa Sigma.

And, no, I didn't get stuck backing out of that narrow, icy one-way onto the main road, again. Thankfully.

Other Photo of the Week posts:
Fields of Gold


Anonymous said...


I love your story about how you took the pic of the house. Your blog is nice. Visit me and share a story if you'd like. Thanks!

Traci said...

ah, that's pretty! even if it IS the UofI :P

Maya Ganesan said...

It looks sort of European -- I remember seeing buildings like that when I went to Europe two summers ago.

The world always looks so much more beautiful when it's coated in snow. Don't you think?