Friday, April 11, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

Sunshine! The forecast for the weekend is sunny and clear skies. We haven't heard a forecast like that for at least six months. Hooray!
Some of the sights and sounds that come with nice, spring weather in our hometown include spray planes (crop dusters in northwest speak);

the first grass trim of the year, (it has snowed almost every day this month except today, and dh mowed our top front and back lawns); spring flowers, (the crocuses are in front of your house, VDs!)
And the skaters come. They park right in front of our house to skate down the hill. Seems it's the best "skater hill" in town.

You especially want to click on this picture to enlarge.


Nicole said...

Great pics! I can't believe you just had respite from snow and I could barely sleep the last few days or even be outside due to the heat!

Traci said...

ha, those skater peoples make me laugh. I lived for 5? 6? years on that street and I saw one guy (the Kong's oldest son) skate down the hill... One guy.