Sunday, July 02, 2006

Braces off!

Brady's smiling big to show that he can bite into things now. No braces!

The process isn't completely over. He has a "positioner" (looks like a football mouth guard) that he has to wear a couple of hours in the daytime and at night. It is still working on getting his teeth into the correct position, so Brady's not quite home free yet. But this is a good stage to be in. We all finally get to see a smile that's been years and $$$$ in the making!


Erin said...

Hurray! They look so nice! :)

Anonymous said...

Great pic! Hate the hat, but it's really cool that you can bite into things now. I can't wait until I get my braces off......

Dorothy Plaza BSN, RN, DPP Master Trainer said...

Congrats, Brady! I remember when I got my braces of... the freedom. Although I did not have them on nearly as long as you.

Elizabeth said...

I finally found your blog, Mrs.M! :) I was reading a few posts below as you were describing how different and difficult things are since your sickness, I felt my heart aching for you all. I only wish I can do more to cure the sickness itself. Your courage through this whole ordeal is amazing and wonderful to see. I'll see you tomorrow!