Lest you think that our lives have returned to normal, I thought I should once again update you on what has been happening with us health-wise. (If you are contemplating whether you really want to read this or not, it does contain a bit of good news - not all bad!)
Brady still has breathing/chest pain issues, but it is not a constant problem anymore; more like an occurance in which we can say, "Okay, what caused that today?" So that is progress. Last week, or maybe it was the week before, he started having quite a bit of pain in his back, where the kidneys are located. He's had to make some extra trips down to our treatment person south of us (colonic therapy). He also had taken lots of epsom salt or baking soda baths (the baking soda ones especially help relieve the pain of the kidneys.) I spent extra time calling our care givers and getting on my supplement protocol forum asking questions to get help. SCIO treatments were also given.
A few weeks ago, Erin started having a chest pain that was different from Brady's. The last few days she hasn't noticed it. She went south to get a treatment last week, and I think that might have been what helped her to get the most relief. (The health of our colon is such a big deal!) She had a couple of SCIO treatments, too.
The lady that we go to for the colonic treatments gave us some alkaline, ionized water from a machine she just purchased. We've been drinking it for several days. I think that has helped us a bit, too, even though it is water that needs to be consumed as its produced, to get its full effect (we're bringing home 2, 3 gallon jugs of it at a time). The salesperson of this machine tested our filtered water and even though it is getting rid of contaminates, it is very acidic and there is not a good level of oxygen in it. I've started studying up on alkaline, ionized water, to consider if purchasing a machine would help our health. (Yeah, another one of those big investments.) But one thing we have learned in the past six months is that our bodies are
very acidic and so far, we haven't succeeded in changing that too much.
Anyway, I had been "down" in March and the beginning of this month, first with a cold and then with a flare of systemic yeast. A SCIO treatment helped me to feel less sick. After a couple of colonic treatments and a few days of drinking the water, I actually felt some energy. I was able to go on my first walk, since last summer, on our sunny Sunday (and I even attended church that morning.)
WOW!!!! Can you imagine what a treat that was? I was not only outside soaking up the sun, I was moving. My body let me out of jail for a furlough, so to speak. I've also noticed (and so has my family) that I haven't been on the couch quite as much the last few days.
Last week about this time, I was quite fearful of this coming week. Brady needed to go south for a treatment on Tuesday
and Thursday; Erin and I had to head north for a treatment on Thursday. Our fatigue was incredible. Brent was only to have one day out of seven off (Thursday). Between the baths, treatments, and the drinking of the ionized water making us feel a little better, plus Brent taking a vacation day, the week has not been nearly as "ugly" as it could have been. I'm not saying it's going to be easy getting through a long weekend without Brent's help, but it is looking a lot more "doable." *sighs with relief*
Pray that we will have wisdom about the alkaline water machine. Pray that our digestive problems would resolve and with that, we could return to good health. Pray that Brent continues to have strength for his ill family and his "paying" job. God has protected us and provided for us in so many ways. We know He is hearing and answering your prayers. Thank you and may He bless you in return for your faithfulness to us.