"I'm thankful that we got this sickness, mom, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into 3-D art." Brady, (who has actually said this to me a couple of times.)
Today each of the kids' work are featured on web-sites (not their own.) Their work featured is work that came about because of our long-term illness. Daily schoolwork has been an impossibility because of our intense health struggles, but they've redeemed their time and pursued endeavors that help them to feel like they are learning and accomplishing things. Both of their "hobbies" came about because they felt rotten enough to only be able to do things that they enjoyed doing, at a pace that didn't overtax them. They've found out that people need some kind of work to do even when they can hardly move. Yes, they've had to spend lots of time watching movies and playing video games, but even a sick person can't do this all day long, day after day. Thankfully, they've been blessed to be well enough to follow through on these new past-times and even experience some success along the way.
Miss Erin is the featured book reviewer this morning at the Cybil's site for the Review of the Day. Her review is of a book she needed to read as a nominating committee member of the fantasy/sci fic. category. This web-site was established when a group of bloggers decided to start their own book awards for children and young adult books and it all came to fruition (very quickly.) Please check out the site and read the post for today.
Brady has an image featured as Picture of the Day at a content and software web-site. Please check out it out here: The picture that is featured is one he made for me as an advent gift (our family gives advent gifts to one another 12 days before Christmas.) While you're at it, visit his web-site to see lots of other wonderful images.
What a day! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
I'm so happy for both of us!! *does a dance*
Love you Mom!
Wow! That is so exicting Erin and Brady!!
Erin...you didn't tell me about your book review. That's so thrilling!!
Yay!!! You have amazing kids with such great talents, Mrs. M! Congrats to Erin and Brady!!
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