Friday, October 12, 2007

Another computer in the family

We're now a three computer family. This from a family that didn't own a computer until a year or two after even the grandparents did. Two years ago, our one and only computer in the living room cabinet was constantly getting fought over by the three ill family members, and so we broke down and purchased a laptop.

But now, Brady, with the help of a really great friend, has built his own computer to service the needs of his 3-D artwork. Mom and Dad's was just too slow. Brady's machine is finally up and running after three weeks of trying to get it there. The processor ended up being a problem part, (after guessing motherboard first,) which even threw our expert friend for a loop.

The new problem is where to find Brady and his new "baby" a home. Our main floor doesn't have an office. Our basement is too cold and dark in the winter, and Brady's room gets pretty warm (hot) in the summer. Also, we kind of like him "around" and that rules out those two places. Tonight I started thinking about moving the piano out of the dining room and finding a pretty screen to put in front of his work station when we want our dining room back. Hmmm...


Erin said...

That comic is so funny!

Unknown said...

wahooo! He finally got it running!

Traci said...

His computer is really cool! Hope you can find a spot for it....