Saturday, March 07, 2009

Photo of the Week (10)

At Home with Clouds

Even though I stepped outside to take the photo, this shows some of my sky view from my favorite end of the couch, as seen through the two tall corner windows in our living room. From where I sit, the trees are a bit obscured, but not the sky . In March, the firmament starts putting on a show that can really entertain, going through more changes in fifteen minutes than an actor's costume changes in an entire show. I've watched clouds all but seven years of my life. Seven years of cloudless sky (excepting the monsoon season each August) in a desert. I really wouldn't want to do that again.

Other photo of the week posts:

Fields of Gold


Holly said...

Which desert?

Sherry said...

The Valley of the Sun - Phoenix area- (the surrounding desert is the Sonoran).

Beth Kephart said...

Such depth here!

Maya Ganesan said...

Oooh, how pretty!

Traci said...

that is so pretty! :)

Traci said...
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septembermom said...

Wow, those clouds are amazing! Beautiful picture!

Sherry said...

Thank you for the kind comments all.
The depth in this photo did surprise me after I took the picture. So glad that cameras help us to really see. :)

Laurie Brandriet Keller said...

Oh I like this! I'm catching up on you too. I'm not going anywhere ... how about you ? I go a few days at the most, not posting, but not often. Have a great week! xoxo.