It's been an amazing couple of weeks in which God has encouraged us by letting us know we're being prayed for. Here's a few examples:
1) As I was dropping some books off at the library drop box, a mailman (who goes to our church) bikes by and calls out, "How are you? Our family's praying for you."
2) When I was getting my haircut by a hairdresser that had cut my daughter's hair before, but not mine, she found out more details of our illness and encouraged me to keep praying fervantly. She gave me a "praying" pep talk as she shared her struggle with cancer and God's faithfulness as she leaned on Him. She said she'd pray for me and asked if she could have her church pray for us the next Sunday. She insisted I keep her updated.
3) When I was getting my treatment yesterday, the lady that gives it told me that she prays the whole time she gives my daughter her treatment.
4) We've been prayed for during worship the last couple of weeks and our parents have told us we're prayed for consistently at theirs.
We know we've been prayed for by so many friends and loved ones throughout this long illness, but lately, it has felt that the prayers are pouring over us. The peace and encouragement received by knowing that we are soaked in prayers is upholding us. Thanks be to God!
Hi Sparky,
Miss Erin, my son, and I are going through a long term illness (began almost two years ago.) All the doctors we've seen agree what is wrong, but are stumped as to what to try to do to help us. We've tried all the things that normally help. We know healing is in God's perfect timing and so we rest in that, as we also keep asking for wisdom for doing what's best for our bodies. We'd appreciate your prayers as well. (Previous posts describe a little bit about what's going on with us.) Mrs. M
Hi Sparky,
Miss Erin, my son, and I are going through a long term illness (began almost two years ago.) All the doctors we've seen agree what is wrong, but are stumped as to what to try to do to help us. We've tried all the things that normally help. We know healing is in God's perfect timing and so we rest in that, as we also keep asking for wisdom for doing what's best for our bodies. We'd appreciate your prayers as well. (Previous posts describe a little bit about what's going on with us.) Mrs. M
That is great to hear that you are encouraged by all the people who are praying for you! That is really great. I hope your visit to Utah and then California will be relaxing. And I pray that the doctor in CA will help you more :).
My family and I are keeping your family in our prays! We will be especially praying for you'all when you make your big trip!
Mrs. M, I'm glad that you are encouraged by prayers. I'm glad that we can pray directly to our Lord about our dear sisters and brother. I know that there are many times in your life that is hard, but I pray that God will send more and more encouraging moments. I pray that patience will overcome the desire to be healed. I know how hard it is to wait, but to wait for two years and to still have no answer from the doctors!! It is cheering to know that the Lord knows. You shall be healed, Mrs. M! We know it for the Lord has promised a land where there is no more sickness, no more sorrow, no more groanings. I pray that God's will be done on earth, and in this time, as it is done in heaven.
Cristina, Traci, Kate,
I really appreciate you taking time to comment and encourage. Thanks for your faithful prayers for our family. Mrs. M
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