Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Health tips

Just wanted to share some of what I learned today in my research for a "cure."

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
Mark Twain.

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death. Leonardo da Vinci.

Water is the most neglected nutrient in your diet but one of the most vital.
Kelly Barton

Here's to your health!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Yesterday we sat by a river and picnicked. We watched Canadian Geese "practicing their maneuvers for flying south" as Brady put it. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. It was the first day of Fall. A day in which we weren't thinking of winter, but perhaps the geese were.

by Sally Andresen

The geese flying south
In a row long and V-shaped
Pulling in winter.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Happy 18th Birthday to Brady!

God has blessed you with much strength and hope these past couple of years. Continue to look to Him each day. We love you!

"Grant me on earth what seems Thee best,
till death and Heav'n reveal the rest."

Isaac Watts

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Quotes from my reading

I can relate!

from Merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare (I was reading Stories From Shakespeare by Marchette Chute, as my brain can't handle straight Shakespeare right now.)
Portia: My little body is aweary of this great world.

from the Oxford Illustrated Minor Works of Jane Austen, a verse by Jane Austen:
On a Headache
When stretch'd on one's bed
With a fierce-throbbing head,
Which precludes alike thought or repose,
How little one cares
For the grandest affairs
That may busy the world as it goes!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Inside Insights

It's so fun to read a book or a poem and to know "where" it came from.

I just finished reading, The Dean's Watch, by Elizabeth Goudge. From reading the author's autobiography just a few weeks prior and from the information on the back jacket of the book, I knew that the author used the town, area, and cathedral of Ely in England as the setting. When we visited England a couple of years ago, we took a day trip out of London to go to Ely to visit the cathedral. (Dr. Grant in his Christendom lectures that year had revealed that Ely cathedral is his favorite and used it in his lecture about cathedrals.) While reading the book, I could imagine the fen country that surrounds the town; I had memories of crossing the large, grass lawn and entering the cathedral under the west clock tower; I had visions of the heights and glory of the pillars and windows inside the cathedral walls. What fun to re-visit Ely and the cathedral with this wonderful novel that must be Elizabeth Goudge at her finest. (But as it was my first novel by her, I cannot say for sure!)

I would like to share a poem written by Dr. Peter Leithart. He is an author whose home I've visited and so the poem becomes even more alive for me because I can envision the setting here as well. Maybe some people would think that takes away from what your imagination does when you read a piece, but I would have to argue that it heightens one's imagination and grants more enjoyment. Dr. Leithart posted this poem on his blog some time ago. Enjoy!


A full moon rises from behind
The topmost branches of a tree,
Then slants across the sky.

A pheasant's shriek joins distant shouts,
The barks and laughter from the park,
On the cooling air.

Then comes the silence of the night:
Not the silence of the dead,
But too alive for sound,

Like a choir waiting poised,
Or like a watchful coiled cat,
Or like a breathless lover.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Upheld by prayers

It's been an amazing couple of weeks in which God has encouraged us by letting us know we're being prayed for. Here's a few examples:

1) As I was dropping some books off at the library drop box, a mailman (who goes to our church) bikes by and calls out, "How are you? Our family's praying for you."

2) When I was getting my haircut by a hairdresser that had cut my daughter's hair before, but not mine, she found out more details of our illness and encouraged me to keep praying fervantly. She gave me a "praying" pep talk as she shared her struggle with cancer and God's faithfulness as she leaned on Him. She said she'd pray for me and asked if she could have her church pray for us the next Sunday. She insisted I keep her updated.

3) When I was getting my treatment yesterday, the lady that gives it told me that she prays the whole time she gives my daughter her treatment.

4) We've been prayed for during worship the last couple of weeks and our parents have told us we're prayed for consistently at theirs.

We know we've been prayed for by so many friends and loved ones throughout this long illness, but lately, it has felt that the prayers are pouring over us. The peace and encouragement received by knowing that we are soaked in prayers is upholding us. Thanks be to God!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Speaking of beauty...

Swift things are beautiful;
Swallows and deer,
And lightning that falls
Bright-veined and clear,
Rivers and meteors,
Wind in the wheat,
The strong-withered horse,
The runner's sure feet.

And slow things are beautiful:
The closing of day,
The pause of the wave
That curves downward to spray,
The ember that crumbles,
The opening flower,
And the ox that moves on
In the quiet of power.

Swift Things are Beautiful By Elizabeth Coatsworth

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

September Beauty

I have to say has decided to post pictures on the first day of each month that are taken a block from her home. I liked that idea even though I'm cheating a little and allowing myself to go up to four blocks from my home. I don't have a digital camera, so I can't commit to the first day of each month, but hopefully once in each calendar month I can post some pictures near the place I live. I agree that beauty is all around us, no matter where we are. God has surrounded us with so much of His glory. It is good to take notice of the beauty that dwells amidst our daily living. It makes us more thankful, too, which is always a good thing. Enjoy your peek into my corner of the world.